TNN | May 21, 2023, 07.51 AM IST Clad in a bright-red dress and wearing a wide smile, actor and fashion designer Shalini shared a bunch of viral photographs on her social media two weeks ago. However, it was not the dress or the smile that caught viewers’ eyes. It was the letters she held in her hands, which spelled…

Gaslighting was Merriam-Webster’s word of the year for 2022. The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1938 British play Gas Light, (later turned into a famous movie starring Ingrid Bergman), in which the husband misplaces random objects around the house and dims the gaslight, and then denies it to make his wife think she’s going crazy. Two people are involved in…

This book is a guide for anyone who is planning a divorce or is getting divorced and is feeling lost, confused and angry and doesn’t know what the next steps should be. Most of us have no idea how to navigate our way out of a painful relationship or manage to live happily even after it is over. Divorce is…

If you have reached this blog and are reading this article, it is safe to say that you are probably unhappy with your intimate relationship at a deep enough level that you are seeking answers to exactly this question. You have probably been asking yourself this question for a while now. Is it worth staying on and working on it…

The Domestic Violence Act in India has been amended in 2005 to include an expanded definition. Here is what it says: Definition of domestic violence-For the purposes of this Act, any act, omission or commission or conduct of the respondent shall constitute domestic violence in case it – (a) harms or injures or endangers the health, safety, life, limb or…

This book is an incredible resource and can help you understand that all those things your spouse would ‘forget’ to do, or the ‘teasing’ comments in public that just felt a shade too nasty but you ignored, the constant criticism that made you start believing you were a hopeless failure and they were so amazing to ‘put up’ with you:…